Happy New Year! Aaron and I are currently en route back to Los Angeles after a quick 24 hours in San Francisco to usher in the new year. It was such a fun night! What began as a proper dinner with friends in their beautiful Hayes Valley home, culminated in us standing on benches on their deck at midnight, banging pots and pans and shouting happy new year to the neighborhood while the fireworks from the ferry building lit up the sky. Oh, and then there was our attempt at Auld Lang Syne... we may not have had many of the words right, but it was perfect, nonetheless!
During dinner, rather than go the typical new year's resolution route, we went around the table and each person completed the sentence, "2013 will be the year of _______." It inspired quite a lot of meaningful thought and conversation and was a perfect way to begin the year with a little bit of intention. For me, 2013 is the year of creating. Creating art through styling projects that I am passionate about and creating more original content here on the site. Creating meaningful moments with our friends and family and creating a warm and beautiful space in our home.
Now that you know mine, I would love to know your plans for this year! 2013 will be the year of ... And, go!
(Photo by Aaron Pinkston)
OM Gosh I love this card!! So awesome!!!
Astrid says
What a lovely New Year's party you seem to have had! I'm also a creative - and have been running 2 design businesses (AstridMueller.com and AtelierGiselle.com) for a few years. However, the stars aligned to something very new last year - they led me to launch a fashion jewelry line! My mission for the line (and what I believe in) is the feeling that anything can happen, and so many positive things are just waiting for us... my jewelry line is called *possibility* - and that's exactly how I'll complete your sentence:
2013 will be the year of POSSIBILITies! ha!
HAPPY 2013! May it be a great one for all of us 🙂
Chloe Moon says
2013 will be a year of adventure! Definitely!
Happy New Year!!