You know how you have these fantasies about how certain moments will go down in your life and then they're nothing like that? Well, I have dreamed about cooking with my daughter since before I even knew I was having a daughter and have been forcing that moment for quite some time now. It has ended in a coconut oil catastrophe which proved really hard to fully clean off of our tile floors and lots of pasta flung to far off destinations and yet I still let her crack our eggs open every morning. (Please try to imagine her chubby baby hand gripped around the entire egg as she just smashes it on the countertop and then I try to finagle all of the egg into the bowl without getting any of her shatter shells in the mix. It's actually kind of a fun challenge.) All of this to say, this Blogger Christmas Cookie Exchange (dubbed #ChristmasCookieSquad on social media), was just another opportunity for me to train my future sous chef. The holidays are fussy enough without adding a super intense baking recipe to the to-do list, so I've opted for a family favorite that is not only brilliant in its simplicity, but also happens to be my favorite tasting Christmas cookie of all time! ALL TIME, PEOPLE! The dough itself has a total of just 6 ingredients, not including the raspberry jam and glaze, and freezes super easy. You can even make a big batch, roll them into a cylinder and do a slice and bake number on them whenever you're in the mood for a sweet treat! Keep reading for the recipe, courtesy of my mother, and be sure to check out the other tasty recipes from Eden, Ashley, Leah, Julie, Michael, Cyd, Kelly, Chelsea, and Brittni. (Oh and share your own cookie recipe on social media using the hashtag #ChristmasCookieSquad!)
Raspberry Almond Thumbprint Cookies
12 ounces unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup sugar
¾ tsp. pure almond extract
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
¾ tsp. salt
raspberry jam for filling
Simple Glaze
(I can't stress enough how important it is to wait until the cookies are completely cool to apply glaze, otherwise it doesn't adhere very well.)
½ cup powdered sugar
1 Tbsp. + 1 and ½ tsp. water or whole milk (you can also substitute Amaretto or Whisky for a little boozy kick!)
In a large mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes.
Add almond and vanilla extracts and continue to mix.
Add flour and salt and mix until well combined, but don't over mix.
Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for 1-2 hours. If chilled for any longer, remove from refrigerator and allow to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes so that it becomes malleable.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Roll cookie dough into 1-1.5" balls and press down in the center with your thumb to make the center spot for the jam filling
Using a ¼ teaspoon, fill the indentation with jam.
Bake cookies for 11-13 minutes. (Mine took exactly 12 minutes. Look around the bottom edges for a light golden color to tell you when they are ready.)
Allow to cool on cookie sheets for a few minutes and then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.
In a small bowl whisk together powdered sugar and water (or milk, amaretto, or whisky) adding a little at a time until you get the right consistency.
Spoon glaze over completely cooled cookies. You can also use a piping bag to drizzle the glaze.
Photography by Aaron Pinkston
Fatima says
These look so yummy! I feel baking cookies and giving them to friends, family, coworkers people in your life everyday is such a sweet way to celebrate the Holidays.
Xx Fatima
Jen Pinkston says
That's so true! It's such an unexpected act of thoughtfulness. Especially when so many things are store bought, it means even more when you get a homemade gift!
Fatima says
These look so yummy! I feel baking cookies and giving them to friends, family, coworkers people in your life everyday is such a sweet way to celebrate the Holidays.
Xx Fatima
Jen Pinkston says
That's so true! It's such an unexpected act of thoughtfulness. Especially when so many things are store bought, it means even more when you get a homemade gift!
Chloe says
Anything with almond extract it in, automatically has my heart. These look amazing! How much fun you had, and what a great memory!
Jen Pinkston says
Chloe!! Girl after my own heart! I literally add almond extract to everything! Cinnamon roll recipes, any kind of sweet bread, even waffles. If it has even a hint of sweetness, it's getting some almond extract!
Chloe says
Anything with almond extract it in, automatically has my heart. These look amazing! How much fun you had, and what a great memory!
Jen Pinkston says
Chloe!! Girl after my own heart! I literally add almond extract to everything! Cinnamon roll recipes, any kind of sweet bread, even waffles. If it has even a hint of sweetness, it's getting some almond extract!
Michael Wurm Jr says
My mom recently starting making these (or something like them) for the holidays and they are one of my new favorites. Yum! Thanks for sharing this recipe.
xo Michael
Jen Pinkston says
Oh my gosh, I'm just catching up over here, but I NEED THOSE CREAM WAFER TREES! Amazing! I'm going to be baking all weekend, I just know it!
Michael Wurm Jr says
My mom recently starting making these (or something like them) for the holidays and they are one of my new favorites. Yum! Thanks for sharing this recipe.
xo Michael
Jen Pinkston says
Oh my gosh, I'm just catching up over here, but I NEED THOSE CREAM WAFER TREES! Amazing! I'm going to be baking all weekend, I just know it!
Julie Blanner says
These cookies look tasty! And those blue eyes are adorable!!
Jen Pinkston says
Thanks, Julie! Dying to try those peppermint drops!
Julie Blanner says
These cookies look tasty! And those blue eyes are adorable!!
Jen Pinkston says
Thanks, Julie! Dying to try those peppermint drops!
chel says
So cute and funny but looks good xx
Jen Pinkston says
Yes, you should try them! They're super easy 🙂
chel says
So cute and funny but looks good xx
Jen Pinkston says
Yes, you should try them! They're super easy 🙂
Lynn | The Road to Honey says
Ha! Ha! I just made thumbprint cookies. Wishing I had a helper as fantastic as yours. 🙂
Jen Pinkston says
Careful what you wish for! She makes quite the mess! 😉
Lynn | The Road to Honey says
Ha! Ha! I just made thumbprint cookies. Wishing I had a helper as fantastic as yours. 🙂
Jen Pinkston says
Careful what you wish for! She makes quite the mess! 😉