Happy Friday, friends! I'm back today and joined by everyone's favorite blogging mamas (or at least MY favorite blogging mamas!) in our Real Moms series. Today's topic is self-care-- body image, exercise, and just generally making time for yourself. It was by far the hardest for me to write. My motherhood experience would be that self-care and motherhood together would be a bit of an oxymoron. I could sit here and tell you how important self-care is and that we should all prioritize it without feeling guilty and I would believe every word I said wholeheartedly, yet it's still something I have a hard time actually doing myself. It already feels like there aren't enough hours in the day! Keep reading for what I've been prioritizing lately and be sure to check out the other posts from Erin, Amy, Sarah, Hilary, Rebecca, Sam, Emily, Caitlin, and Alex on the same topic.
A couple of weeks ago I was at an event listening to the founder of a very successful company speak and she said something that has really stuck with me, "We have to take care of ourselves. At the end of the day, all we have is our health." It sounds so obvious, but it's so easy to forget that without our mental and physical well being, there is no content that can be created, shoots that can by styled and my attempts at super momness will surely be futile. (And sometimes are anyways!)
I haven't figured out the exercising side of things yet. I was consistent going to classes at 8am for a couple of months in the fall but really missed that morning time with Aaron and Parker. If I work out during the day, which I do sometimes, in the back of my mind I'm feeling a little guilty about some piece of work that has been pushed to the back burner. Have you heard of the rule of good, fast, and cheap? It's the idea that something can be two of those things, but never three, so you have to choose which one to compromise. Food, for example, can be good quality and made fast, but likely isn't cheap or it can be cheap and fast, but probably won't be good quality. I feel like the same can be said of work, self, and family. I know that we all want to believe that we can do and have it all, and I think to some extent that is true when we balance those things day in and day out to achieve our goals, but I don't think that we can do it all and have it all, all at the same time. Some days are heavier on the work side of things and I try to make that up on Wednesdays and Fridays when I'm off with Parker. On Wednesdays and Fridays, Parker is my priority and I take much longer getting back to emails on those days, if at all. Everything has it's moment, but self-care is usually the last thing I carve out time for. A few weeks ago, I started having pretty frequent migraines which I am trying to get to the bottom of, so last week I had appointments with an acupuncturist, a chiropractor and a massage therapist which meant that I got less work done, but I felt good knowing I was taking care of myself and my health. It's a juggle, a dance, and a balance and I'm learning that it's all a lot easier when we approach it with love and not judging or guilt.
My goals for self-care right now? To continue eating mostly Whole30, to make it to weekly chiropractor appointments at least for the next couple of months, and to read more books. It's not everything, but doing just those three things would go a really long way to feeling like I am taking care of myself, mentally and physically.
What three things can you or do you prioritize for yourself?
Photos by Aaron Pinkston
Alison says
I dealt with debilitating headaches for 3-4 months several years ago. After visiting specialists, it was determined that they were the result of a perfect storm of sinus pressure, migraines, stress and grinding/clenching teeth. I had a custom mouth guard made by my dentist and I began allergy shots. I saw a physical therapist who specializes in releasing jaw and neck muscles. While I took migraine medication for a short time, I'm confident that the mouth guard, allergy shots and physical therapy made the biggest difference. Now I don't even lie down for a catnap without my mouth guard, and I practice the the jaw exercises my therapist taught me whenever I feel a similar headache coming on. Thought I'd share just in case my situation could shed light on yours.
Jen Pinkston says
Thank you so much, Alison! I really appreciate it. I have read somewhere else about the sinus connection to migraines and did have a cold a couple weeks ago when they started to flare up. I will check into this a little more. My neck was seriously out of alignment and so far the chiro appointments seem to be helping a lot!