Do you remember the first book that really made an impact on you? I loved to read as a kid and fell in love with the Little House on the Prairie series. I would read them over and over until their pages were well worn and my mother, with a concerned look in her eye, forced me to the backyard with my sisters. Little has changed-- except maybe the amount of time I have to devote to reading-- it's still one of my favorite ways to unwind, to learn about new things, and to recharge. We thought for this next round of our Real Talk Series we could divulge our favorite books; the books that have been the most meaningful to us. Perhaps they guided us through pregnancy, through adoption or through motherhood. Perhaps it was the book that became a part of our first bedtime routine with baby or the one you always passed back to them single handedly while driving, knowing it would induce contentment. Or perhaps it was a book that had very little to do with babies at all, but instead offered an exciting escape into a fictional world or was a book that offered career insights or self-help that seemed to come just at the exact right moment. Below are mine and I can hardly wait to read the picks from these other mamas: Emily || Alex || Catherine || Leah || Caitlin || Erin || Sarah
The very first book I read about parenting and loved was Bringing up Bébé
Origins was the book I read while pregnant that made me think twice about the all of my pregnancy choices from skincare to tupperware.
12 Hours by 12 Weeks was the book I read with high hopes that turned out not to work at all for my child... sadly!
On the other hand, I really found much of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child to be true and work for Parker.
I'm having the hardest time remembering some of those very, very first favorite books we read with her... which is a shame! I'm sure we will uncover them at some point in life in a box tucked away with all of the newborn sized white onesies I thought I needed.
I based a lot of our mealtime approach off of Baby Led Weaning. We certainly weren't strict about it, but we followed a lot of the overarching ideas about early exposure, exposing her to as many different tastes as possible, and starting with solids over purées. I don't think it is for everyone, but it was really good for us.
Our favorite books we love with her right now are:
All things Pete the Cat, but especially Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, Pete the Cat and his Cool Blue Magic Sunglasses, and Pete the Cat Saves Christmas (my personal fave and still going strong on January 19th.)
Little Owl Lost and Oh No George are so good!
Going on a Bear Hunt-- a classic!
Speaking of classics, we're on a major Dr. Seuss Kick Right Now! Favorite books in the Dr. Seuss category are Oh The Thinks You Can Think, Cat and The Hat, Cat and The Hat Comes Back, and Green Eggs and Ham... she thinks this one in particular is hysterical and I always like to reiterate, with the upmost emphasis, how interesting it is that he didn't think he liked green eggs and ham, but then he just tried it and he actually did! Hint, hint little toddler of mine.
Everybody loves The Pigeon series and I just can't get on board! Perhaps I lack the proper animation? The voiceover ability? Anybody else with me or am I still the only one I know that isn't crazy for these books?!
The books that helped us to potty train were Princess Potty (every bit as cheesy as it sounds) and Big Girl Panties.
And the most recent book I read? That would be Mrs. Erin Loechner's beautiful, truthful, transparent, and insightful read that is helping to give you contentment with my growing contentment... if that makes sense to anyone else. If you haven't already checked out Chasing Slow, it's definitely worth the read!
If you want more adult reads, you can see the 11 books I read last year here and our most recent list of book recommendations from the always on point Gail Werner here.
What are your favorite books? What book has been the most meaningful to you in your own motherhood journey?
Photography by Stephanie Godfrey from this post for The Effortless Chic
Caleigh says
Fabulous selection!
My reading time has been severely cut short but I'm going to carve some moments out to start reading intentionally again, as its one of my favourite things to do!
As a kid I loved all the Babysitter's Club stories and Babysitter's Little Sister as well. And I was also a fan of the Little House on the Prairie series!
I love Phillippa Gregory's historical fiction and for light reading I always reach for Nora Roberts.
I love biographies and memoirs, my two current favourites are 'Girl in Glass' by Deanna Fei and 'When Breath Becomes Air' by Paul Kalanithi. I read those two sitting beside my son's incubator (he was born early at 26 weeks) and they had a profound impact on my attitude during that time.
I am currently reading anything by John Irving, he's an amazing author and I'm late to his game!
For children's books we are fans of the Little Blue Truck series, anything with trucks, tractors or dinosaurs. I currently read 'Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You' by Nancy Tillman to my baby and sob through the whole thing.
Jen Pinkston says
Oh my gosh, Caleigh! I know 'Wherever you are my love will find you' by heart at this point! All of her books are so, so good. We need to check out the Little Blue Truck series-- I've heard so many good things! I read 'A Prayer for Owen Meany' by John Irving in 8th grade and it's been my favorite book of all time ever since.
Cyd says
Going to add a ton of these to Em's Amazon wish list! I've been meaning to pick up Erin's book, too, thanks for the reminder. 😉
Jen Pinkston says
Loved your book list, too, Cyd! Xo
Leah / Freutcake says
So many books to check out now! Thanks for the recs Jen. 🙂
Jen Pinkston says
Of course! Loved your post, Leah!