This is the second to last post I will publish this year, if all goes according to the plan of our editorial calendar, which admittedly has been known to excel in last minute pivots. But curveball withstanding, this is the second most recent post that will greet you should you check in between now and December 31st. What's perhaps-- no-- most definitely more astounding is that it's one of nearly seventeen hundred posts that have been posted to this URL in its seven plus years of digital life.
"In the same way that I feel more confident in my own skin at thirty-something than I did at twenty-something, I feel more convinced than ever of the purpose of this site and the type of content we pursue seven years and seventeen hundred posts in."
I always tend to be a bit nostalgic this time of year, looking backwards to see where I have been before setting my sights for the year ahead. In many ways discovering what this site does and is over the last seven years has been a journey not unlike other journeys of self-discovery. In much the same way that I feel more confident in my own skin and personal style at thirty-something than I did at twenty-something, I feel more convinced than ever of the purpose of this site and the type of content we pursue seven years and seventeen hundred posts in.
I hope that the content we create here empowers you to find your favorite jeans, pursue a new passion, host people at your house, seek out meaningful friendships and be exactly the kind of mother that you want to be. I hope that we can convince you of the significance of creating a space that you love and knowing how to create a killer classic cocktail. More than anything, though, I hope that you always leave here with a smile on your face.
Also, I hope this is a place where you feel like you can leave feedback, ask questions, and leave your sincere thoughts, opinions, and feelings on this page. Let's be like real friends, okay?
What are you thinking about as the year comes to an end?
Photography by Katie Jameson
Courtney says
I'm curious about the connection part. Would you ever consider doing events IRL?
Jen Pinkston says
That's a good question. We have definitely done smaller things in the past, but I'm not sure what that would look like for us right now. It would have to be an intersection of something I'm really passionate about and would want to attend myself with something that people would be interested in enough to show up for, too! Thank you for putting this out there. It's definitely always somewhere on my radar 🙂
Lauren says
Thank you for this and thank you for always being you!
Sara T. says
I feel similarly about being nostalgic this time of year! It's been awhile since I made New Year's resolutions, but this might just be ther year!
Trudy says
I really love this. I feel like for awhile I really lost touch with blogs but have been coming back recently. Yours in particular is a favorite always!
Jen Pinkston says
I feel similarly about blogs! I miss more meaningful, long form content!
Jennifer says
I'm thinking about all the things that I wished I accomplished this year but didn't and all the goals I'm hoping to accomplish next year (which are basically the same ones that didn't happen this year).
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Jen Pinkston says
Yea, I totally get that. Cheering you on, girl!