Say what you will about social media, but there are so many great people that I wouldn't otherwise be connected to had Kevin Systrom not taken that walk on the beach back in 2010. Megan Harper is one of those people! We connected two years ago when we were planning to take the kids to NYC over the summer. She reached out with the best recommendations for kids and also told me that Aaron was her RA in college- ha! Perhaps back then she was attending frat parties, but today Megan is highly sought after marketing executive in NYC where she lives with her three kids and husband. I love how she shows so much of the behind the scenes of being a full-time working-from-an-office mom. I dare you to try and follow her and not lol on the regular! Keep reading for her daily uniform...
Jen Pinkston: Tell us about yourself! What’s your name, where do you live, who do you live with, what do you do?
Megan Harper: My name is Megan Harper and I live in NYC with my husband and three kids. I just signed on as the new Head of Marketing at Tinybeans and I run girlgonechildinnyc for fun.
What does a typical day look like for you now?
I wake up at 6 am to shower before the kids get up. My son Huck is in Kindergarten and wakes up at 6:30 and my husband and I have to get him fully dressed with bags packed for the bus stop at 7:15. The girls normally wake up during the chaos of him getting out the door. My daughter Gigi, age three usually picks out 7-8 outfits to try on before she selects the ONE she will wear to preschool. Getting her dressed in the morning is a real treat. The baby Goldie, 10 months, hangs at the house or I take her to the nanny share depending on the day. We alternate between a babysitter who comes to us 3 days a week and a nanny share we do 2 days a week. I usually drop off Gigi at preschool at 8:30 am then head to the train. I work in midtown close to Bryant Park. I luckily have a pretty quick 20 minute commute on the subway to work. I love working in marketing and my office is casual so I get to still be creative with my outfits which I love. I usually work until 6pm then the family and I hit up an event in the city or go to dinner. We eat out a lot due to two working parents. We also go to a ton of cool events in the city often. Sometimes these events require cute outfits which I of course indulge in.
As a mom of three with a demanding marketing career, do you have any tips or hacks that help your day or week run more smoothly?
I’m not even going to pretend to act like I know what I’m doing here. We’re treading water every day. Our life is pretty chaotic but everyone is happy, loved and gets a bath a couple times a week so that’s all that matters. I’ve always been resistant to hiring help and I thought I could do everything myself. The third kid changed everything for us. I’m now the lady on Facebook groups with zero shame looking to hire someone to come help fold my laundry.
Tell us about your daily uniform:
I live in my Gemma Dress from Teat and Cosset. I’m still breastfeeding and this is my favorite no fuss nursing friendly design. I love that I can wear this little black dress with Dr. Martens or Pumps or throw a sweater over to mix it up.
Did your style change after becoming a mom?
I gained a lot of weight my first pregnancy and I struggled to get my body back until after my second child. I’m just now feeling like I can wear cute things again 10 months postpartum with baby Goldie. I also need something that is nursing/pump friendly. I’m looking forward to bringing back turtlenecks in a few months.
What’s one thing we will never find you wearing?
A Lilly Pulitzer Dress.
What’s one thing you would tell a new mom struggling with her sense of personal style?
While it’s important that you’re comfy it’s also important that what you’re wearing makes you feel good. It’s ok to still feel sexy after kids. Just don’t get pregnant again.
Photography by Michelle Rose
PS. Enjoy this post? You can see all of the features in this daily uniform series here!