We have found out over the past several weeks that we are living with a key thief. A very cute, very adorable key thief, but a key thief nonetheless. I don't think I appreciated how tall she has grown until I watched her from afar stand on her tip toes and grasp at the cute potted cactus in the above photo that was positioned a good 6" away from the ledge. With those same tippy toes and grabby arms, she has managed to swipe both Aaron and my keys on multiple occasions, so we've been in the market for a solution. A solution that we can position far above her toddler reach and that will look simple and stylish. Our editorial assistant Britt actually created this key holder DIY for us and I'm totally in love with it! It's definitely making the move to our new mudroom. (Plus, it would make such a good gift!) Keep reading for the full tutorial...
Key Holder DIY
What You'll Need:
- Hand Made Modern Wood Slab (Ours is from Target, but I can't seem to find it online. This one is similar)
- Nails for hanging keys
Hammer - Acrylic Paint
- Wooden Bead Balls (we found ours at Hobby Lobby)
- Nylon Climbing Rope (we found ours at Hobby Lobby)
- Matches
- Double Stick Mounting Tape (Optional)
Instructions for the Keys:
Use an acrylic in the color of your choice (we chose a copper metallic) to paint the wooden beads. Allow to dry according to the instructions on the bottle. Next, cut two feet of rope and loop the rope through the key and one of the wooden beads. Then tie a double knot above and below the painted bead. Lastly, cut the loose ends of the rope and burn them with a lit match to prevent fraying.
Instructions for the Rack-
Nail three medium sized nails into the wooden slab. Hang the board by either nailing it directly to the wall or using some sort of mounting tape. Hang the Key chains on the nails.
Photography by Katie Jameson