How to Wear a Headband. It sounds simple enough, sure, but so many friends and people in our community have reached out expressing that they don't know if they can "pull it off". You can! I promise! Let's back up a bit, though. A few months ago I jokingly posted to Instagram that I was about to become an exclusive headband influencer. ("Don't do it," read one DM.) I was joking that I could ever stick with so specific a niche as headband influencing, but my obsession with the hair accessory was and is completely real. While headbands are easy enough to style, I put together this easy headband tutorial for small tips and tricks to make you feel most confident wearing a headband.
How to Wear a Headband:
Putting on a headband seems simple enough–and it is! These quick pointers, though, will help you wear the look with confidence and elevate your every day hair style when you're running out the door with no time to spare!
1. Begin by parting your hair the same way you would when you wear it down. I prefer a center or slightly off center part, but you'll feel the most confident keeping your part the way you feel best in your every day life.
2. Next, use a fine tooth comb to smooth all of the fine baby hairs and fly-aways before putting on your headband.
3. Place the ends of your headband in front of your ears right where your hairline stops. This should leave a little bit of space between the top of your head and the headband. Gently push the headband back until the ends are behind your ears, then lower the top of the headband into place. This subtle but game-changing move will keep your part in tact.
4. Next use a smoothing cream or serum on the ends of your hair to smooth away any frizz or fly-aways.
Turban Headband? Knotted Headband? Scrunchie Headband? Padded Headband? Cloth Headband?
There are no shortage of headband choices these days and very few wrong ones. Personally I love a padded headband and a scrunchie headband best. Both feel fresh and lean more preppy than boho. While Turban and knotted headbands are often times used interchangeably, turban headbands are actually most often worn lower across the forehead and made from soft fabric with less structure. You can make a simple knotted headband using a bandana like I did in the photo above or you can buy a headband that has the knot built in.
How to Wear a Headband: Can you wear a headband with short hair? Curly hair? Bangs?
Yes, yes, and yes! With short hair simply follow the headband tutorial above. You might opt for a thinner headband so that you don't create an off-balanced feeling with your short hair and a super thick headband. Aim for about 1" of thickness or thinner. For curly hair, avoid over-combing or parting in a way that doesn't feel natural. If you don't currently part your curly hair, now is not the time to start. This headband tutorial is actually the only way to put on a headband if you have bangs! By creating the part and pressing the headband down into place as opposed to pulling the headband straight back and taking your hair with it, you'll avoid ending up with some bangs back and some bangs forward. Headbands and bangs are a great combination as headbands actually accentuate your bangs more by creating definition.
These are my favorite women's headbands available right now:
It's truly so hard to choose, but these are the ones I own so far:
This is the headband I'm wearing in most of the photos in this post. It's a great size and not over-powering. It's easy to wear with something simple like a tee and jeans or with a dress like in the pictures.
The Loeffler Randall headband I own is sold out, but I think this one is so stunning.
I love this simple scrunchie headband. It adds a little bit of color if I'm wearing most neutrals.
If you don't own a black velvet headband, this braided one is so good. I'm surprised how often it's the one I reach for.
It's the pearls for me on this one. Such a fun headband for summer!
If you're having a hard time feeling confident in a headband this thin one is a good one to start with. Consider it your gateway headband.
And a few more I love:
Who wore it best: Headband edition
It's easy to trace this preppy hair accessory back to Blair Waldorf and her girl gang on the steps of the Met, but my favorite headband references are circa the 1950s and 60s care of Bridgitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy. Google them for serious inspiration.
Photography by Katie Jameson