It's so hard to believe that Parker has been in her big girl bed for almost a year! Where does the time go?! While the move in date for our new home we are building is hardly just around the corner, as we begin to furnish our current rental, I'm trying to choose pieces that will work in both spaces, which means I'm already thinking ahead to the final furniture plan of the new place. Parker's pink IKEA bed (that we have loved-- it's actually the bed in option two) was just taken apart and put back together for the second time and there's no way the poor thing will make it a third, so I'm already prepping it's replacement. This time I want a twin size bed that we can do a trundle underneath for when friends come to stay (which actually rules out her current pretty pink number). I've been playing with a lot of ideas, and finally narrowed it down to these three. I tried to choose pieces that she could grow into a bit, too, so we wouldn't be reimagining this room any time soon. So let's vote, shall we?! Which one is your favorite? All of you mamas out there with older kids, any tips or tricks you've learned along the way?
OPTION ONE || 01. || 02. || 03. || 04. || 05. || 06.
OPTION TWO: 01. || 02. || 03. || 04. || 05.
Caleigh says
I am in love with #3, if only for the hanging rattan chair!
Jen Pinkston says
I know. Despite how impractical I fear it may be, it's just so good!
Christy says
I think they are all beautiful! If you want to avoid redoing the room in several years though, I'd avoid the pink bed (my girls loved pink and now that they are 11 and 9 can't get far enough away from it) and the swing. Cute and safe when kids are little but just wait til she has friends over and they get in all together and go nuts. What about swapping the swing in 3 for the chair in 2? I love the color and texture in 3. I'm sure she'll love it whatever you pick.
Jen Pinkston says
Yes! Someone else mentioned that on FB about the swing and that makes total sense. The cave chair would be a great substitute!
Jonel says
I think two has the most options to stay the same as she grows. I like one but i think that in a few years it may look too young for her. I love the bed in three.
What does Parker think? At about that age, we added onto our house and had to redo our son's room. We got it down to 3 or 4 options for things and let him make the final decision. Since, I had picked out the options, I knew I would be fine with any one of them. He was really interested in participating in the process.
Jen Pinkston says
Yes, that's a great idea! Excited to see what she picks 🙂
Teri says
I love option 3 but think you'd really regret the swing, the kids can't resist going crazy on them. The chair in number two gives the same cozy nest feel.
Jenny B says
I love the wallpaper in 1, the chair in 2, and all the chandeliers! But none of the rugs look that comfy for lounging on, could just be the pictures.
Jen Pinkston says
I worry about that with the first rug, the second one is a flat weave but should still be cozy-ish, the up close of the third rug actually looks the coziest, though!
Jesse Coulter says
These are ALL so good! Hmmm...I'm kind of leaning towards #3, but honestly I love them all.
Jen Pinkston says
I was kind of leaning towards three too! Facebook seems to be super into one!
Jennifer says
I love option 1. Big fan of the wallpaper
Jen Pinkston says
This wall paper is so good! I just worry about if I'm going to be kicking myself for it two years in when I'm scraping it off of the walls!
Sarah says
Option 1 is my favorite, but option 3 is a close second! =) Don't you just love working on your little's room? <3
Jen Pinkston says
Yes, it's so fun!
Heather says
I love all 3 options. Option 1 is probably my favorite because my daughter also has the same Jenny Lind bed. (I'm in Round Rock if you want to see it in person. ) The JL bed is so versatile. My daughter just turned 5 and I just got her this big girl bed! (She was still sleeping in her toddler bed.)If your daughter still moves around often in her sleep, you may want to stick with the pink toddler bed for awhile.
Jen Pinkston says
A friend of mine in LA had the Jenny Lind, too, and it was such a sweet bed! Probably why I'm partial to it 🙂