Today marks our three-week anniversary of living in Austin and the question we keep getting is, "How are you guys adjusting?". The biggest adjustment has really been in the logistics, in figuring out what our new schedules look like with Parker in preschool and working in a new city. The adjustment of lifestyle, though, feels like the easy part. It feels like the part that was happening before we ever got here. It was the part that influenced our decision to move here in the first place. There was a shift that had already happened when we said we wanted to be spending more time with family and less time in traffic. It's the same shift that piqued my interest when I first heard about thredUp, an online consignment shop selling everything from designer kids clothes to your favorite Gap denim jacket that you just didn't scoop up in time retail. To be totally honest, I would rather spend money on pizza and movie Fridays-- our newest family tradition which I totally recommend!-- than on clothes at the moment. Not to mention, I love that it reduces our carbon footprint. (You can read more about my thoughts on that here.) Here's how it works... (PS. Everything Parker and I are wearing were purchased on thredUP!)
Head over to thredUP and search for your favorite brands. They check everything for quality so all of the pieces are in new or like new condition. For example this Steven Alan dress was regularly $218 retail, but I got it from thredUP for $42.99-- over 80% off! I can still remember when it was hanging on the racks of their Venice store for over $200! This red Clare V leather bag retails for $289 and is still available in some colors on their site. I found this same bag on thredUP for just $105.99-- over 60% off of retail. (There was actually a Clare V sample sale in LA the weekend before we moved, but I just couldn't imagine standing in line for two hours to get in. This deal was priced better than a sample sale and I was able to purchase it with the click of a button!) I bought so many things for Parker too. When the box arrived I was literally pulling item after item out of the box-- Aaron couldn't believe how much I was able to buy for so little. Parker's dress was literally $8! Plus everything arrives in pristine condition with no second-hand shop smell. (See below for the discount code to save 40% off of your first order.)
Here's what I'm loving that's on their site right now:
01. || 02. || 03. || 04. || 05. || 06. || 07. || 08.
Do you shop consignment now? I've never had the patience for sifting through so many racks of clothing, so thredUP's edited selection is right up my alley!
Photography by Aaron Pinkston
This post was sponsored by thredUP, a company that I'm so glad I was introduced to and will definitely continue to use in the future. Use the code EFC40 for 40% off first time orders valid until July 31st. Thanks for supporting the brands that we love that support this site.
Regine Karpel says
Jen Pinkston says
Thanks, Regine!
chel says
Looks like I've found myself a new shopping buddy(thredup) and Parker's pigtails are two seriously are a beautiful duo xxchel
Jen Pinkston says
Thanks, Chel! I'm seriously obsessed with this online shop. Going to maybe try my hand at selling too?! Xo